Sponsor An Animal


As a Rescue P.A.W.S. sponsor, you provide a lifeline to animals in desperate need. You can ensure that our animals receive shelter, food, medicine and veterinary care. 

All sponsors will receive a pet-signed thank you e-card and updates on their sponsored animal and their progress with pictures. You can read the stories of our animals by clicking the images below. If you require any help with sponsoring an animal of your choice, please contact us at: [email protected]

Note: If you are purchasing a sponsorship as a gift, please email us with the details of the person you are purchasing the sponsorship for including their full name and email address. All sponsors will receive a digital certificate by email.

Captain Squeak
Captain Squeak appeared outside the home of one of our staff members. he had a severe injury to his eye...
Sponsor Som
Som is one of our lifelong residents at Rescue P.A.W.S. Sick and dumped on our doorstep, Som and his family...
Honey Stubbs (5)
Miss Stubbs
Miss Stubbs arrived at Rescue P.A.W.S. when she was spotted by a concerned local who gave our team a call....
We first met Sid on Wat Khao Temple and this odd-looking pup caught our attention. Sid became sick with gout...
Gina is one of our larger than life residents who has had a rough start in life. She was left...
Pumpkin (3)
Pumpkin and her siblings were found on the side of the road after being abandoned by their mother. They were...
Willow (2)
Willow arrived at Rescue P.A.W.S. when she was just 3 days old. She was brought in with her mum and...
Kink (4)
Kink is a skittish little thing that enjoys the company of her canine companions rather than people. She was brought...
Mina found herself in a challenging situation after being left at a temple, where she unfortunately had an accident with...
Fish (2)
Fish is one of those dogs that choose to come to us. On 3 separate occasions, Fish has wondered up...
I may look older but at heart, I’m just a playful pup. I was found on a golf course suffering...
Tina (2)
Tina was found at the side of the road in a terrible condition. Her skin was inflamed, covered in sores...
Gretel and her brother Hansel were abandoned when they were very young. They were taken in and cared for by...
Feeding Runs
Pack Sponsor
Rescue P.A.W.S. cares for hundreds of stray animals and pets from low-income families. Each month we go through nearly 1000...
Our poor little poodle, Jamook, was found dumped and abandoned outside a Temple only 15 minutes from our operations. When...
Wee Jimmy
'Wee' Jimmy
‘Wee’ Jimmy is a lifelong resident here at Rescue P.A.W.S. He was found at a beach club not too far...
Sponsor a Puppy
Sponsor a Puppy
Every day, we receive calls about puppies that have been dumped on the streets and abandoned. With highly contagious diseases...
Xena (3)
Xena was brought into Rescue P.A.W.S. with her 9 puppies shortly after giving birth. She had been taken in by...
Feeding Runs
Become a Food Sponsor
Life on the streets can be unforgiving for a dog. Alone and unwanted, every day is a battle for resources...
Bambi arrived at Rescue P.A.W.S. when she followed the team home from the beach. She was suffering from mange and...
Fudge (3)
Fudge arrived at Rescue P.A.W.S after she was dumped on the streets and left to fend for herself. Unable to...