Frequently Asked Questions

Please select from the categories to find the information you need. If you cannot find the answer to your question in our FAQ, feel free to contact [email protected].

Can I contact you if I find an animal in need?

Though Rescue P.A.W.S. focuses mainly on sterilization, we will do all that we can to help those in need. Through our community outreach program, we are striving to improve the standard of animal welfare in the area and help where we can. Should you find an animal in need you can contact us for information and advice. Please keep in mind that we are a small organization and, due to limited space, we may not always be able to take in an animal. However, in the case that we are unable to take an animal in, we will treat the animal in its current location. In the event that you find an animal in need please contact [email protected] or call us at 0902328709 with the location and information on the animal and we will try our best to help.

How much does it cost per sterilization?

It costs approximately 1,000 -1,500 Thai Baht for us to sterilize and vaccinate a dog.

Are sterilizations free?

As part of our community outreach project, stray animals, community animals and those owned by low-income families are sterilized for free. In order to continue sterilizing disadvantaged animals, we rely on the donations we receive from animal lovers. We are also happy to sterilize pets, however, we do ask that a donation be made to the organization in return. 

Do you hold community events?

Our team regularly run sterilization events as part of our community outreach project where all animals are welcome to be sterilized and vaccinated.

How do I become a volunteer?

For more information on our volunteer program, please visit out volunteer page here.

How long can I volunteer for?

The shortest volunteer experience we offer is two weeks, however, in order to achieve the full experience we highly recommend volunteering for a minimum of one month. Volunteers can participate for up to 3 months which can then be extended nearer to the end of their placement and is subject to availability.

Why do I need to pay a program fee to volunteer and where does my money go?

Program fees go towards a variety of costs. This includes the payment of your accommodation and utilities, your transportation to and from the airport, and to and from the clinic each day, as well as the training you will receive during your volunteer placement. It also goes towards the multiple excursions that form part of your program, including elephant national park trip, Thai cooking class, meditation session, and other activities that you will have during your stay, depending on the length of your volunteer program and subject to availability. Finally, and most importantly, program fees go towards food, medicine, and equipment to care for the stray dogs and cats of Hua Hin.

I will be in the area and would like to come and help. How can I do so?

If you are unable to volunteer for two weeks or more, you can arrange a day visit to our centre. Day visits are approximately four hours in duration and provide visitors with the opportunity to learn more about our organization, the stray dog problem in Thailand, and stray dog and cat care, and even walk and bathe some of the dogs we have at our kennels. You can find out more about our day trip here.

What is a flight volunteer?

A flight volunteer is an individual who takes dogs or cats from Rescue P.A.W.S., who have been adopted by families in other countries, back with them on their returning flight. If you are currently in Thailand and want to help us by taking dogs or cats home with you on your flight, please contact [email protected] to discuss this opportunity further. 

Where do the donations go?

The donations we receive go directly towards the care of the animals, equipment, and running costs of our operation. Your contributions help us to improve the lives of stray dogs in Hua Hin and reduce the stray population over time through sterilization and education so more generations of stray animals are not born into this life.

How do I donate to Rescue P.A.W.S.?

There are numerous methods of donating to our cause. Firstly, if you are in the local area, you can pop into our center and leave a cash donation. We would be happy to talk about our mission with you. 

If you wish to make a donation online, you can do so by visiting our donations page which will direct you to our PayPal.

You can also submit money directly into the Rescue P.A.W.S. bank account in Thailand. The information you require is on our donation page.

If you are in the local area, you can also drop off any material donations. Things we require include: towels, toys, dog foods, general animal care products and cleaning supplies, as well as veterinary medications, such as flea and tick treatments or shampoos for mange.

Do you have dogs or cats up for adoption?

Yes! You can find out about all of our animals that are currently up for adoption on our adoption page

Is it difficult to adopt a dog or cat overseas?

The process varies depending on the country. Right now, our animals are able to travel to Canada and Europe as they generally don’t have quarantine requirements. We would like to emphasize that, wherever you may be bringing an animal to, it is vital to give ample time to begin the adoption process, as it requires anywhere from two weeks to four months before the animal is ready to fly. For more on this topic, please contact [email protected].

I have adopted a dog or cat elsewhere. Can you help me get it back to my home country?

When sending animals overseas we work closely with a pet relocation organization called Relo4Paws who specialized in this area. You can contact Relo4Paws at [email protected] or via Facebook.
