I’m slowly coming out of my shell a bit more. I have been a bit more interactive with new volunteers and I am responding well to the shy dog training. If you sit with me in my kennel, I’ll eventually settle down and become comfortable enough to sit with you. I particularly like getting a head massage.
My siblings and I were found by the side of the road, left abandoned by our mum. Luckily one of the family members of the staff here found us and brought us to Rescue P.A.W.S. Fortunately we were already around 4 to 5 weeks old, so we were old enough to be able to eat wet food. Out of the 6 of us, 3 have gone on to loving home and myself, Flipper and Phoebe are still waiting. Sadly, the longer Phoebe and I are in a shelter environment, the shyer we become.
My perfect family would be patient with me and allow me to settle down in my own time. I would thrive in a single home where my family enjoyed going on walks and were willing to put in the time to keep up with my training.