Help Us Feed Them

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Food Donation

When you donate with Rescue P.A.W.S., 100% of your donation goes towards the project. This means that any donations received will go directly to benefiting the dogs and cats, such as medical supplies, food and individual projects.

Personal Info

Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

Every contribution, no matter how big or small, will make a significant difference.

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Make a donation today on our website
  2. Share this urgent appeal with your friends, family, and social networks.
  3. Consider becoming a monthly donor or sponsor to support our feeding runs and community outreach programs.

Please help us to ensure the animals under our care receive the care they need and a chance at a brighter future.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support and for being a lifeline.

via Credit/Debit Card via Stripe

Struggling to make a donation using PayPal? You can make a donation using our Give.Asia account and Stripe! Just hit the button below to head over to our account. 

Life on the streets can be unforgiving for a dog. Alone and unwanted, every day is a battle for resources just to survive.

Everyday, our team of staff and volunteers head out to provide life saving food for over 500 strays and low income family pets. Feeding runs and food donations are the difference between life and death for many animals. Sadly, with hundred of thousands of stray animals fighting for survival, many dogs don’t make it through their first year of life.

Rescue P.A.W.S. began in 2013 with a few people heading out to feed the local street dog population. Though we could see the benefits of them from the beginning, it opened our eyes to the bigger issue at hand; the sheer number of stray animals that are out there.
Feeding runs are not just our way of supplying food to the stray dog population, but they allow us to monitor pack numbers, health status and find vulnerable dogs in need of medical care including sterilization. Our feeding runs provide stray and community-owned animals with a lifeline and allow us to keep them and the people they live amongst healthy.

Food can do so much more than beat hunger. It can change lives.

At any given time, we have hundreds of animals under our care. With our daily feeding runs to our street packs, donations to low-income families and a rotating door of residents here at our clinic, we go through almost a ton of food every single month. Right now, there are hundreds of animals counting on us to provide them with enough food to survive. As the number of animals in need continues to grow, we desperately need to purchase food continuously in order to meet the growing demand. For just $15 we can purchase enough food to feed a single dog for an entire month! Help us to keep these hungry mouths fed.

Please make your urgent donation now.